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The Fascinating Story of 

Foreign Hellos

(Our ABOUT Page)

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Who We Are:

Hi there!

I'm Colin, one of the original cofounders of Foreign Hellos - the one and only language course in the World specifically designed to help travelers (both current and future) learn "just the basics" of any foreign language - in as little as a week...

So they can travel anywhere on the planet, and be fully confident in their ability to explore the city, interact with locals, quickly and easily make cool friends, go on adventures, and yes... even find romance.   

What We Do:

Just the past year, (we're kinda new) we've helped countless travelers from every corner of the globe, pursue epic adventures,  fulfill their deepest travel fantasies, date gorgeous women and men from exotic destinations, and smash through languages barriers quicker and easier than they ever dreamed possible.  

And I want to give you a free 7-trial so you can see for yourself why Foreign Hellos is the secret weapon of the World's most experienced and successful wandering nomads. 

The BIG Problem We Solve:

You see... we've heard horror stories traditional language courses before.  Most of us have experienced them first hand.  

They're boring.  They take forever to see progress.  You learn a bunch of words you know you'll never use.  And you eventually just don't have the time for it anymore.

And simply giving up is the #1 reason why so many traditional language courses have such high failure rates with students. 

Our Simple Solution:

I want you to get your free 7 day trial to Foreign Hellos so you can see just how fast, fun, and easy it is to learn a new language using our audio-only method. 

Simply press play, and go about your day, so you can learn while you drive, work-out at the gym, cook and clean at home - which means you can do it without dedicating a single extra minute of time towards learning.  

I'll even let try it out for FREE so you can see for yourself how awesome it is without risking a penny!  

And you won't even have to pick your first language right now, since we give you full unlimited access all 9 of the languages we offer, for the price of just 1!  Crazy right?

How to Get Started:

Just click on the link below to start your free trial today!

Okay Sure, Let's Do This!

Is There Any Catch?

Actually yes, (kind of)...

You may be wondering why we're offering such an incredible risk-free trial, plus the 15% discount code when you sign up, PLUS all 9 languages for the price of one.  

Well first because I know you'll absolutely love it - and be simply mind-blown by the stuff you're learning from day 1.  But also it's my way of saying thanks putting your trust in us.

However, the "catch" is...

In order to take advantage of this incredible stack of deals I'm offering you in this package, you really do have to act now. 

Our Board of Directors isn't too pleased with our current offer, so we may be forced to bump things up in the very near future.  

For now though, the offer still stands.

Our Super-Awesome Guarantee:

If for some stranger reason, you don't love it as much as countless other world travelers who have made Foreign Hellos their must-have travel companion...

Just cancel with one click from inside your account, before the end of your trial and pay nothing.  Which means you only stay a member if you love it!   

Okay, Here's a Quick Recap:

To sign up for your free trial, click the link below, choose your membership level (monthly, yearly, lifetime), apply your FOREIGN15 discount code to get the 15% OFF, and get started as soon as you want.

Get Started

P.S. Just One More Thing (Don't Skip This)...

PS, one awesome bonus I forgot to mention.  If you don't care about the trial and you're ready to start now, skip it and get an extra 10% OFF your membership, in addition to the 15% from the discount code.  Can you believe that?  Isn't that an incredible deal?  Click below right now, and it's all yours.

Ok Let's Do This